Saturday, December 29, 2007

a late christmas and a early happy new year!

mood: thankful

hello everyone, hope u had a nice christmas.
I did, nothing special happened, but it was nice!!!
so we have a friend over, her name is Martina and she is really cool! :)
and yesterday and today we invited a lot of friends over 2 watch all 3 of the Lord of the Rings movies :) :) it was nice but now I`m tyred from watching 2 movies in a day, hehehe, movies make me tyred!!!!!! :P and on Monday we are going up 2 baba`s land (r family,Martina,Ben,Ruben and maybe Joao) so that will be cool :D :D :D and I CANT BELIEVE that in only 12 days I`m going 2 italy 2 c my friends!!!!! thats going 2 be sooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D yey yey hehehehehehe

Thursday, December 20, 2007


mood: happy

hehehehehe I cant wait! it doesnt seem like its coming soon, this will be my first Christmas in portugal!! and Saturday is my b-day nerd/pimp party! hehehehehe, for those of u who dont know, at my b-day party I`m having everyone dress up as a nerd or as a pimp!!! its gonna be so funny!!!!! ^^ I wish I could have my friends from italy come 2 tho :( I really miss them!!!! I cant wait till the 11th!!! (when I`m going 2 go visit them!) its gonna be soooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ I really cant wait!!!!!! so what has been going on lately???? well, not much really!!!! I might be changing school (I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE!!!) cuz I really dont like the one I`m going 2! and if there is room for me in this other school it is soooo much closer and I hope I will have more friends there! thats what I need prayer for: getting in that school, and if I get in that school having friends there!!!!! anyway gotta go! love ya all! *hugs**

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I cant waittttt!

mood: HAPPY! but tired....

yeyyyyy!!!!!! in a month me and my family r going 2 italy for 4 days!!!!! it isnt much, but still, I CANT WAIT!!!!! yeyyyy! hehehehe! my friends were so happy! they where "screaming" in the phone, hehehe! I really cant wait 2 c them!!!! :D :D :D :D anyway, before that a lot of things are gonna happen, the 15 the 16 and the 17 (I think those are the dates) Triplet is gonna have some concerts, (the 15 with more then a thousand, the other days I`m not sure) then the 22 I`m doing my birthday party then of course the 25th its christmas and then the 28 were gonna do a "movie night" here where were gonna watch all the Lord of the Rings movies :) :) :) anyway gotta go!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

just got back

mood: grateful and sad

Hello everybody,
I just got back from the Algarve, Triplet had 2 concerts there, one in Faro, that went really well! and one in.....uhm.......cant remember where but in a mall in Fnac, that didn't go so good. I mean Triplet was great, but the ppl there weren't doing anything.......just sitting there :S but I had a lot of fun!!!!! :) :) I`m really grateful that I had friends here b4 we moved here......I was just thinking about that, I mean it would b awful if I didn't have any friends here 'cept for the ppl in my school........cuz I don't really have friends in my school......u know not like real friends.
But still I REALLY miss my friends in Italy :( :( I wish I could have all my friends in one place and would live with all of them, lol, u know like if my Italian friends would move here 2 Portugal, yeah, like that will ever happen! :( anyway.......