Tuesday, March 3, 2009


well, dunno if anyone goes on my blog anymore! its been like a year or something since last time I wrote here! hehehe!
I even forgot I had a blog! xD
but, incase anyone actually does read this...

everything is sooooooo much better this year!
I have a lot of new friends! some I met at church and others I met because they were friends of friends, and they are all awesome and unique!!!!!!

I also changed school!!!!!! (Thank god!!) and my school this year is a LOT better (Even though I still cant stand school but thats just cuz its school) I have 2 good friends in my class, they are really cool and I am so grateful for them :)

my portuguese is getting better and better,I`m always learning more but I can talk to most portuguese people (As long as they dont have a real weird acsent or something hehe)

lets see what else? oh!
I went free hugging with two friends of mine! it was SOOOO cool! we went from Caiscais to Estoril hugging as many people as we could (Well, everyone who wanted a hug) and in 3 hours we hugged 150 people! :D :D amazing right? u woudnt believe how much love you feel and give from hugging so many people! it was such a beautiful experience! and we must have inpacted all of those lives at least a tiny bit!
everyone kept asking us "why are u doing this?" and we would just say "2 spread the love!"
:) it made me happy and I cant wait to do it again! hehe :D

weeeeeeeell I`m off 2 bed!
good night to all