Saturday, January 26, 2008

plz pray

mood: saddish

it doesnt look that way but I haven't been happy,
when I`m around friends I dont think about my problems much and am happy
but the thing is I dont c my friends here as often as I`d like.
1st of all I am always so tyred because I am almost always at school! (mo. from 8.30 to 5.00 tu. from 8.30 to 6.45 we. from 8.30 to 12.45 -that one is the nice day- th. from 8.30 to 6.45 fr. from 8.30 to 1.30 but then I gotta go back 2 school at 5.00, thank god I dont have saturday's like I did in italy!!!) and what makes things worse is that I really dont like my school and dont really have any good friends I am almost all day at a place that I dont like and were I am almost always alone!!! and I dont think I`m a person who likes 2 complain a lot, and I`m a person who always tryes 2 make the best of things, but I dont know how 2 make the best of this! the only good thing is the fact that I`m learning portuguese!!! 2nd thing is that I've been wanting 2 have a closer relationship with god and wanting 2 hear his voice and have some experiences with him........but nothing heppenes! I just feel like I believe in god...but I dont know god! I've always though I did.....but hearing other ppl talk I've realized I dont, I`ve prayed about it sooooo much! I pray about it all the time......but nothing has happened yet! anyway, plz pray for me about all of these things!!!! I hate not feeling happy and feeling lonely! (At school)

and thanks soooo much 2 anybody who might have been praying for me!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!

but something good has happened at school :) and I really hope it will be a spark for a friendship but I dont know if it will, on friday I was at school and I have 2 hours where I dont have anything cuz my class has grammer and not knowing poruguese perfectly yet I dont need 2 go 2 those classes, so I was just walking around and I saw this guy who is a new guy in r class, so I did what I would have wanted people from my class 2 do when I was new in the class: I went 2 talk 2 him!! (in portuguese :) )
so I asked him y he wasnt in class and he said he came late and was just going 2 wait for the next class, so then I told him I`m not going cuz I`m italian/american then he told me my portuguese is really good ^^ hehe and so we talked for a wile, and he was really nice :)
hope we become friends.....that would be nice!
he has a really hard name! I dont know how 2 wright it but its really hard 2 say :O hehe

anyway thanks for reading this if you did, and if you read the hole thing :) and thank u thank u thank u if u decided u will pray for me :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I'm already praying... ;o)
