Saturday, November 24, 2007


mood: ok......not gr8 tho

I'm tired! 2day we had a thanks-giving dinner with all of r american friends who live here, I just hung out with the kids, and kinda "baby-sat them" with Christian and Emily, yes, I did actually sit on one of them because he kept attacking me, but he wasnt a baby, he was at least 5 hehe, and he laughed about it, anyway, it was fun! I love kids!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D I wish I could baby-sit more often! :) than I could use the money 2 get christmas presents :) thats the only thing that sux about being born on Christmas day........I have 2 give presents 2 ppl on my birthday! :O HAHAHAH nah I`m kidding thats ok,but anyway, I cant wait till christmas vacation! and its just in like 2 weeks or something like that! YEYYYY! :D hehe, I am so tired of going 2 school!!!! I hate waking up early.....I hate not having friends in my class......and I hate getting out late! :S and I hate being tired all the time..........its hateful......hehehehhe....but at least I dont need 2 go 2 school onn saturday, thats good!!!!!! cuz in italy I did, and it sucked! but at least I would get out earlier! (and understand everything that ppl would say) but hey, I guess I just have 2 live with that! anyway, love 2 all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ma ciao bella donna!!!ti ricordi ancora di me???come stai?????
baci baci baci e fatti sentire ogni tanto!!!