Sunday, October 21, 2007

field trip, baby sitting, friends and the love of god

mood: happy :)
hello everyone! havent been posting a lot.....sorry

so what has happened in these days? ok, so I went 2 a field trip with my class......2 a modern art museum.......there was some things I liked......but most things where pretty bad! and I didnt have that much fun.......cuz I was alone most of the time.......this will give u the picture (there reflected in 2 mirrors.....that were some of the "art" there):
1st photo: my class 2nd photo: me

lol.....but then I made friends with 2 ppl OUT of my class :D :D :D there is this girl that her parents are Jamaican but she has lived in America her hole life! (I met her cuz there was a meeting in my school with all the students that were not born in Portugal) and then I was having lunch with her (Always at school) at this guy (Portuguese) came up 2 us and started talcking 2 us in English! it was so cool 2 finally make friends in my school!!!! :D theeeeeen Friday I went 2 some little town called.......called.......oh I dont remember something that startes with N! haha anyway, I went there with 3 families (the farmers,the Uhlers and the Lasts there daughter Hilary and her Husband and son) and Jasmin. I baby-sat Eden and Noah (farmers kids) and Malicai (Zack and Hilary`s kid) with Cristian`s help :),we had 2 baby-sit because the adults had meetings about the matrix church, and talcked about a lot of stuff so we baby-sat when those meeting where going on! I had fun! :D :D :D Malicai is so cute!!!!!! :D :D he is adorable! and of course I loved everyone else`s company! :) :) then it was really cool.......I asked Jasmin 2 pray for me, because I have never had any experiences with god......and I`m really missing that! I mean,I`ve known god all my life but I want 2 get 2 know him better, like I said have some experiences with him! so yeah I asked her 2 pray for me (I asked HER cuz she is the one I am most friends with, and felt like I really wanted HER 2 pray for me, I really love her,she is so awesome) and as soon as she started praying (and Cristian was playing the guitar) I burst in tears, I mean I have never cried that much when some1 prayed for me! I was sobbing and my pants where all wet on the knees cuz I was with my face on my knees, and I felt so strange like.....I dont know just like I could not stop crying but it wasnt a bad feeling.....I dont know how 2 explain it.....and then during worship I started crying AND during communion! I just really felt the presence of god there.....even in Malicai playing with the baloon during worship! hehe :) :) it was really nice and I hope I can do that again! :)

P.S. I crashed in a cote rack....LOL! because we were playing a game (me,Cristian and the kids) where some1 would walk in the door and we all had 2 hide and when Eden was coming and about 2 walk in I didnt know where 2 hide so I just ran 2 where the rack was, where a lot of different stuff where 2 and tripped on the bottom of the rack and fell on the floor and the hangers went flying all over the place! it was so funny!!!! I coudnt stop laughing about it! hahaha :P

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