Saturday, November 10, 2007


mood: happy!

sorry!!!!! havent posted in a really long timeeee!!!!!! ok, so what has happened since?????? ok, I got lost 2 times!!!!! :O hehe, once getting 2 my bus stop from the school I got lost and then I lost the bus, so I got home 3 hours l8ter!!!! hehehehe theeeeeeen the next day I LOST the bus in the morning and theeeeen got off and the rong bus stop!!!! :S :S and walcked like half an hour!!!! hehehehehe! yeah, thats me, always getting lost!! :P
theeeeeen what happened????? well I went 2 the zoo with a friend, it was fun! :) the animals looked really sad tho in the cages (like Jorge kept saying every time we would look at one hehe) then I went 2 the movie theater 2 watch Resident Evil 3, that was fun 2! :) and yesterday me and Junior won this singing contest for the best song about Oreos and and Oreo party! hahahaha! it was really funny!!!! and 2day was my moms birthday!!! :) so we had pizza (I MISS ITALIAN PIZZA!) and a lot of friends over (Triplet,Joao,Marcia,Junior,Jorge,Carrie and Marty Uhler) then we had a worship time and prayed for her, and then we played stak-a-roo hehe its a fun game, and now its like 2:58 am hehe they`ve been gone for 2 hours but I wasnt tired so I just started righting on the computer! hehe! anyway, I think thats all that happened! but I`m not sure....probably if there was something else its not that inportant! hehe! well gotta go
*hugs to all* :)


Anonymous said...

I love how you throw yourself into life, head first, and always find the best in everything and everyone. You are really special... i love having you for a daughter and a friend.

Whitney said...

You went to an Oreo party in Portugal?? I didn't even know they had oreos over there. What did you do at an oreo party?