Tuesday, September 25, 2007

wish I didnt feel this way....

mood: worried!

ok, so there is this friend of mine,right?, and she has been acting really weird lately.......like whenever we talck about me leaving she gets this "I dont care" tone and acts like she doesnt care or anything......and the weirdest thing is that she was the one who seemed saddest about the fact I was leaving in the first place.....:-/ I mean I know she DOES care I`m leaving and stuff but I dont understand y she acts that way now,and its not only that she even kinda ignores me when its all of us 2ghether.........its weird........anyway,I rote her an e-mail telling her how I felt about all this but I know how she gets she probably will start saying "this is so stupid! and not true! I cant believe u think that" and stuff like that.....so I`m hoping she wont act like that and understand how I feel....I mean it might be just an impression of mine anyways cuz I`m really sad about leaving and stuff....I dunno!!!!!! I just hope she doesnt act the way I think she will!!!!! oh well....if she does I`ll just tell her "never-mind it was just and impression then..." but I think it was good I told her how I felt even if maibe she ends up thinking I worry 2much.......

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