Sunday, September 30, 2007

got here

mood: sad and kinda sick

how I hate having 2 stay in the car for 2 days!!!! 28 hours in the car! GAK!! well I shoudnt complain! my dad had 2 drive all night! anyway, we got here fine, poor Tummy though! he was in the cage all the time! but he did fine, he didnt complain as much as I thought he would.......poor baby!
and now he hast 2 stay up in a room all alone because there are 3 dogs down here! y 3 dogs? cuz were at the farmers place (some friends of ares, cuz some ppl are still cleaning are house, so we cant move in yet, were moving in 2morrow!) and they have a dog, and there is are dog, and THEN yesterday a little puppy dog....(I think he is a puppy, he`s a Jack-russell so he`s small anyway) followed Paula (Mother/Wife Farmer hehehe) here, he is so cute! his name is Soja! he has a dog tag (Were it said his name and his phone number) so we called but there was no1 home so Paula left a messege telling them we found there dog and 2 call back......but this happened yesterday night.....and they didnt call back yet! poor Bingo though (the family`s dog) he is really Jealous!!!!!!!!!!! he attacked Soja 2 times! but Soja is kinda looking for it he keeps running up 2 him! hehe, its so funny how little dogs always bother big dogs!!!!! (Bingo is a BIG dog! but he is soooo sweet! I love him!) haha look at me I just moved in to Portugal and all I talck about is the animals! obviously I`m still sad about it.....but I`m trying really hard to not think about it!I keep thinking this is a vacation and I will be back soon. When we got here yesteday we had 2 unload in the rain!!!!!! it was pouring so hard!!!!! I told my mom I think the weather is reflecting the way I she said 2 get happy soon......hehe.......but we had help, some friends of ares helped + David and Franco, David is Laura and Carmen`s (2 of my best friends) dad and Franco is there Grandpa, they drove the truck here and 2day are driving back, they were such a blessing! I will miss David 2....he told me he would miss having me at there house every day :') and I told him I would really miss being there every day!!!!!!!!! anyway, Eden and Isaac were keeping my mind busy yesterday night so that I stopped thinking about how sad I was for a wile! Eden is the little girl Farmer! hehe she's 11......I think! I really like her, (I really like kids ;) ) and she is a good friend of Isaac`s! yesterday night they asked me too help them come up with a play they could do! hehe, so I did, and they really liked it.....only I played my part "too well" so instead of wanting Noah (the little boy Farmen, who is 9 or 10) they want me in the play!

Its so cool, last night I slept in the prayer room,and wile I was in that room I started feeling better, I mean I have been crying like every night in these days, and I didnt cry......:) and I prayed that I will not loose my friends and 2 make me feel a little better about living here.....I just....the thing that scares me the most is that something will change in my friend-ship with my friends, like that since I am far away and there always 2ghether, that they will be all better friends and I`ll just be "that friend that lives in portugal..." I dunno....I just hope that doesnt happen!!!!!.....anyway,hugs 2 u all! love u! and thanks u 2 anyone that has been or is praying for me! I really appreciate it! :)

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