Saturday, December 29, 2007

a late christmas and a early happy new year!

mood: thankful

hello everyone, hope u had a nice christmas.
I did, nothing special happened, but it was nice!!!
so we have a friend over, her name is Martina and she is really cool! :)
and yesterday and today we invited a lot of friends over 2 watch all 3 of the Lord of the Rings movies :) :) it was nice but now I`m tyred from watching 2 movies in a day, hehehe, movies make me tyred!!!!!! :P and on Monday we are going up 2 baba`s land (r family,Martina,Ben,Ruben and maybe Joao) so that will be cool :D :D :D and I CANT BELIEVE that in only 12 days I`m going 2 italy 2 c my friends!!!!! thats going 2 be sooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D yey yey hehehehehehe

Thursday, December 20, 2007


mood: happy

hehehehehe I cant wait! it doesnt seem like its coming soon, this will be my first Christmas in portugal!! and Saturday is my b-day nerd/pimp party! hehehehehe, for those of u who dont know, at my b-day party I`m having everyone dress up as a nerd or as a pimp!!! its gonna be so funny!!!!! ^^ I wish I could have my friends from italy come 2 tho :( I really miss them!!!! I cant wait till the 11th!!! (when I`m going 2 go visit them!) its gonna be soooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ I really cant wait!!!!!! so what has been going on lately???? well, not much really!!!! I might be changing school (I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE!!!) cuz I really dont like the one I`m going 2! and if there is room for me in this other school it is soooo much closer and I hope I will have more friends there! thats what I need prayer for: getting in that school, and if I get in that school having friends there!!!!! anyway gotta go! love ya all! *hugs**

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I cant waittttt!

mood: HAPPY! but tired....

yeyyyyy!!!!!! in a month me and my family r going 2 italy for 4 days!!!!! it isnt much, but still, I CANT WAIT!!!!! yeyyyy! hehehehe! my friends were so happy! they where "screaming" in the phone, hehehe! I really cant wait 2 c them!!!! :D :D :D :D anyway, before that a lot of things are gonna happen, the 15 the 16 and the 17 (I think those are the dates) Triplet is gonna have some concerts, (the 15 with more then a thousand, the other days I`m not sure) then the 22 I`m doing my birthday party then of course the 25th its christmas and then the 28 were gonna do a "movie night" here where were gonna watch all the Lord of the Rings movies :) :) :) anyway gotta go!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

just got back

mood: grateful and sad

Hello everybody,
I just got back from the Algarve, Triplet had 2 concerts there, one in Faro, that went really well! and one in.....uhm.......cant remember where but in a mall in Fnac, that didn't go so good. I mean Triplet was great, but the ppl there weren't doing anything.......just sitting there :S but I had a lot of fun!!!!! :) :) I`m really grateful that I had friends here b4 we moved here......I was just thinking about that, I mean it would b awful if I didn't have any friends here 'cept for the ppl in my school........cuz I don't really have friends in my school......u know not like real friends.
But still I REALLY miss my friends in Italy :( :( I wish I could have all my friends in one place and would live with all of them, lol, u know like if my Italian friends would move here 2 Portugal, yeah, like that will ever happen! :( anyway.......

Saturday, November 24, 2007


mood: ok......not gr8 tho

I'm tired! 2day we had a thanks-giving dinner with all of r american friends who live here, I just hung out with the kids, and kinda "baby-sat them" with Christian and Emily, yes, I did actually sit on one of them because he kept attacking me, but he wasnt a baby, he was at least 5 hehe, and he laughed about it, anyway, it was fun! I love kids!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D I wish I could baby-sit more often! :) than I could use the money 2 get christmas presents :) thats the only thing that sux about being born on Christmas day........I have 2 give presents 2 ppl on my birthday! :O HAHAHAH nah I`m kidding thats ok,but anyway, I cant wait till christmas vacation! and its just in like 2 weeks or something like that! YEYYYY! :D hehe, I am so tired of going 2 school!!!! I hate waking up early.....I hate not having friends in my class......and I hate getting out late! :S and I hate being tired all the time..........its hateful......hehehehhe....but at least I dont need 2 go 2 school onn saturday, thats good!!!!!! cuz in italy I did, and it sucked! but at least I would get out earlier! (and understand everything that ppl would say) but hey, I guess I just have 2 live with that! anyway, love 2 all

Friday, November 23, 2007

can u believe it?!

mood: sick tired but strangely happy......

WOW! can u believe it? I actually didnt take 3 weeks before I posted this! hehe!
anyway,2night was fun :) we had Junior`s b-day party and a lot of ppl came over: Junior...well duh hehe....Marcia,Joana (a friend of Junior`s) ,Tehur,Joao,Ruben,Pedro,Nuno,Ben,Jorge,Gaby.....aaaaaand I think thats it, anyway we had pizza 4 dinner and then just hung out!!!! now there are only Joao,Pedro,Nuno and Tehur here, Tehur is sleeping and the other 3 r playing a card game (ligretto) with my mom,then Gaby is going 2 come back here, I think she went with Ruben 2 bring Jorge home and then she is coming back and she is sleeping over here :) I`m so tired! and so glad its Fridayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so that I can sleeeeeeep!!!! hehehehehe!!!!!then I`m starting 2 feel sick AGAIN! yey :S I hate being sick!!!! its horrible!!!!!!!! but I`m happy because I hung out with my friends 2day, I`m really missing my friends in italy right now tho...............miss being with them every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :S *hugs* (I am falling asleep zzzzzzzzzzzz.......)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

paint ball was so fun

mood: ok

AGAIN I havent been posting for a while, I`m so bad at this!!!!!!!! lol sorry!
paint-ball was awesome! I wanna do that again! :D :D :D I had so much fun with Junior and Gaby and everyone else!!!!! they`re awesome!!!!!! Junior was so funny when we where playing he kept screaming "ALANA SHOOT THEM SHOOT THEM!" hhahahahhaha it was so fun!!!! :D anyway, what else has happened since paint-ball??? I dyed my hair green and black ,a stranger took my picture with his cell phone, :S lol , I went 2 the movies with a friend and watched "the invaders", it was cool! then that`s about it, nothing else new!!!! OH! 2morrow is Junior`s birthday party :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


mood: happy!

sorry!!!!! havent posted in a really long timeeee!!!!!! ok, so what has happened since?????? ok, I got lost 2 times!!!!! :O hehe, once getting 2 my bus stop from the school I got lost and then I lost the bus, so I got home 3 hours l8ter!!!! hehehehe theeeeeeen the next day I LOST the bus in the morning and theeeeen got off and the rong bus stop!!!! :S :S and walcked like half an hour!!!! hehehehehe! yeah, thats me, always getting lost!! :P
theeeeeen what happened????? well I went 2 the zoo with a friend, it was fun! :) the animals looked really sad tho in the cages (like Jorge kept saying every time we would look at one hehe) then I went 2 the movie theater 2 watch Resident Evil 3, that was fun 2! :) and yesterday me and Junior won this singing contest for the best song about Oreos and and Oreo party! hahahaha! it was really funny!!!! and 2day was my moms birthday!!! :) so we had pizza (I MISS ITALIAN PIZZA!) and a lot of friends over (Triplet,Joao,Marcia,Junior,Jorge,Carrie and Marty Uhler) then we had a worship time and prayed for her, and then we played stak-a-roo hehe its a fun game, and now its like 2:58 am hehe they`ve been gone for 2 hours but I wasnt tired so I just started righting on the computer! hehe! anyway, I think thats all that happened! but I`m not sure....probably if there was something else its not that inportant! hehe! well gotta go
*hugs to all* :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

field trip, baby sitting, friends and the love of god

mood: happy :)
hello everyone! havent been posting a lot.....sorry

so what has happened in these days? ok, so I went 2 a field trip with my class......2 a modern art museum.......there was some things I liked......but most things where pretty bad! and I didnt have that much fun.......cuz I was alone most of the time.......this will give u the picture (there reflected in 2 mirrors.....that were some of the "art" there):
1st photo: my class 2nd photo: me

lol.....but then I made friends with 2 ppl OUT of my class :D :D :D there is this girl that her parents are Jamaican but she has lived in America her hole life! (I met her cuz there was a meeting in my school with all the students that were not born in Portugal) and then I was having lunch with her (Always at school) at this guy (Portuguese) came up 2 us and started talcking 2 us in English! it was so cool 2 finally make friends in my school!!!! :D theeeeeen Friday I went 2 some little town called.......called.......oh I dont remember something that startes with N! haha anyway, I went there with 3 families (the farmers,the Uhlers and the Lasts there daughter Hilary and her Husband and son) and Jasmin. I baby-sat Eden and Noah (farmers kids) and Malicai (Zack and Hilary`s kid) with Cristian`s help :),we had 2 baby-sit because the adults had meetings about the matrix church, and talcked about a lot of stuff so we baby-sat when those meeting where going on! I had fun! :D :D :D Malicai is so cute!!!!!! :D :D he is adorable! and of course I loved everyone else`s company! :) :) then it was really cool.......I asked Jasmin 2 pray for me, because I have never had any experiences with god......and I`m really missing that! I mean,I`ve known god all my life but I want 2 get 2 know him better, like I said have some experiences with him! so yeah I asked her 2 pray for me (I asked HER cuz she is the one I am most friends with, and felt like I really wanted HER 2 pray for me, I really love her,she is so awesome) and as soon as she started praying (and Cristian was playing the guitar) I burst in tears, I mean I have never cried that much when some1 prayed for me! I was sobbing and my pants where all wet on the knees cuz I was with my face on my knees, and I felt so strange like.....I dont know just like I could not stop crying but it wasnt a bad feeling.....I dont know how 2 explain it.....and then during worship I started crying AND during communion! I just really felt the presence of god there.....even in Malicai playing with the baloon during worship! hehe :) :) it was really nice and I hope I can do that again! :)

P.S. I crashed in a cote rack....LOL! because we were playing a game (me,Cristian and the kids) where some1 would walk in the door and we all had 2 hide and when Eden was coming and about 2 walk in I didnt know where 2 hide so I just ran 2 where the rack was, where a lot of different stuff where 2 and tripped on the bottom of the rack and fell on the floor and the hangers went flying all over the place! it was so funny!!!! I coudnt stop laughing about it! hahaha :P

Sunday, October 14, 2007

concerts,friends,brothers and games

mood: happy

Halla! hehe hows it going????? I`m good! yesterday I went with Tripelt, Joao,Giorg,Junior and Tiago (I think thats what his name is) 2 a corcert where it was Triplet and 3 other bands! I had fun but at the end I was soooooooooooo tyred! I got at home at 6:30 am! and 2day I woke up at 1:30 pm! hehehehehe! poor Joao and Ruben didnt sleep at all they just went derectly 2 church! there probably sleeping right now! hehe!I wanted 2 go 2 curch this morning but I was just way 2 tyred!!!!!!!! now I`m here helping Isaac with "Zelda and the ocarina of time" (the nintendo game) he`s been playing this game every day since the 3rd day we got her lol! and so he is always asking for my help hehe :) when I was little I used 2 make Whitney PLAY the hole game for me cuz I was afraid of doing everything heheheheeh at least Isaac is better than me cuz he just makes me play stuff for him after the 10th time he does it hehehehehe! :P well gotta go bu-bye

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

its been a wile

mood: ok

Sorry I havent posted in a while!!!!! I`ve been pretty busy!!!! at school its ok.....not gr8 tho! the thing is none of the kids speak English!!!!!!!!!! :S the teachers do, and all the teachers are really nice! but I haven't made any friends yet!!!!!!! :( :( which really sux! cuz at recess I`m always alone!!! :( :( so thats not 2 fun......but yesterday was cool cuz Ruben came 4 2 hours I had off for lunch and I hung out with him :) :)
I learned a few Portuguese words at school, but not much: gost=like, Turma=class then I learned that: "Eu vivi em Italia" means "I lived in italy" and "Eu visitei a......" means "I visited....." then "diga" is "tell me" :D annnnnd what else???? I think thats all! then I know other stuff but I knew those already! anyway I`m going 2 bed cuz its like 22:40 and I have school 2morrow :S I wish I didnt.......I dont wanna get up at 7:00!!!!!!!!! or whatever time I get up........7:00 something.......hehe!!!! so ciao ciao
boa noite!!!! (again not sure if thats the way u wright it! hehe)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

got here

mood: sad and kinda sick

how I hate having 2 stay in the car for 2 days!!!! 28 hours in the car! GAK!! well I shoudnt complain! my dad had 2 drive all night! anyway, we got here fine, poor Tummy though! he was in the cage all the time! but he did fine, he didnt complain as much as I thought he would.......poor baby!
and now he hast 2 stay up in a room all alone because there are 3 dogs down here! y 3 dogs? cuz were at the farmers place (some friends of ares, cuz some ppl are still cleaning are house, so we cant move in yet, were moving in 2morrow!) and they have a dog, and there is are dog, and THEN yesterday a little puppy dog....(I think he is a puppy, he`s a Jack-russell so he`s small anyway) followed Paula (Mother/Wife Farmer hehehe) here, he is so cute! his name is Soja! he has a dog tag (Were it said his name and his phone number) so we called but there was no1 home so Paula left a messege telling them we found there dog and 2 call back......but this happened yesterday night.....and they didnt call back yet! poor Bingo though (the family`s dog) he is really Jealous!!!!!!!!!!! he attacked Soja 2 times! but Soja is kinda looking for it he keeps running up 2 him! hehe, its so funny how little dogs always bother big dogs!!!!! (Bingo is a BIG dog! but he is soooo sweet! I love him!) haha look at me I just moved in to Portugal and all I talck about is the animals! obviously I`m still sad about it.....but I`m trying really hard to not think about it!I keep thinking this is a vacation and I will be back soon. When we got here yesteday we had 2 unload in the rain!!!!!! it was pouring so hard!!!!! I told my mom I think the weather is reflecting the way I she said 2 get happy soon......hehe.......but we had help, some friends of ares helped + David and Franco, David is Laura and Carmen`s (2 of my best friends) dad and Franco is there Grandpa, they drove the truck here and 2day are driving back, they were such a blessing! I will miss David 2....he told me he would miss having me at there house every day :') and I told him I would really miss being there every day!!!!!!!!! anyway, Eden and Isaac were keeping my mind busy yesterday night so that I stopped thinking about how sad I was for a wile! Eden is the little girl Farmer! hehe she's 11......I think! I really like her, (I really like kids ;) ) and she is a good friend of Isaac`s! yesterday night they asked me too help them come up with a play they could do! hehe, so I did, and they really liked it.....only I played my part "too well" so instead of wanting Noah (the little boy Farmen, who is 9 or 10) they want me in the play!

Its so cool, last night I slept in the prayer room,and wile I was in that room I started feeling better, I mean I have been crying like every night in these days, and I didnt cry......:) and I prayed that I will not loose my friends and 2 make me feel a little better about living here.....I just....the thing that scares me the most is that something will change in my friend-ship with my friends, like that since I am far away and there always 2ghether, that they will be all better friends and I`ll just be "that friend that lives in portugal..." I dunno....I just hope that doesnt happen!!!!!.....anyway,hugs 2 u all! love u! and thanks u 2 anyone that has been or is praying for me! I really appreciate it! :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

mood: sad sad sad sad!

I cant stop crying......I just got back from spending the night with the girls! they were so sweet! they gave me a belt and some black and white striped socks and some chocolates.....we ate pizza and watched a movie.....than they wanted too go 2 laura and carmens house, I though it would be better if we stayed at my house but they wanted to go there so than they had 2 say bye 2 everyone (my mom my dad and Isaac) so they started crying......and than they started crying for I started crying.....than we got there and Giuditta went in laura and carmens room, and I wanted to go with her but Carmen kept telling me to wait for then we all went in the bedroom and Giudy was holding this BIG poster with all of are pictures!!!!!!!!!!!! and they rote a bunch of nice things around them! then they all read me a letter they had wrote! :'( :'( I havent cryed this much in such a long time!!!!!!!!!

please pray for me......

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5:00 pm

mood: sadly-bored

uuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhh! I`m bored.....its 5:00 pm......and no one is here......cuz one of my friends house flooded......and for some other friends need 2 wait for her :/ and I asked if I can come there and they said "no! we will be there soon" that was a wile ago tho.......I`M SO BOREDDDDDDD!!!!!!! :( least were going out 2night 2, cuz if I could only see them in the day I would be pretty bummed!!!!!!!!! since like all the day is gone already! I mean at this point if its because of "the surprise" that there taking so long than I would have preffered no surprise cuz I just want 2 hang out with them as much as possible before we go!!!!!!!!!!! jffjkfdsjsljkfdsskljsdfkljskldfklldsfkldfsklflkdfkldflkkdsfklfkldskldskldsklsdkl
yeaaaaap......ok bye bye

the weather 2day reflects the way I feel

mood: sad......really sad.....

its raining 2day.....and its really cold!!! and it doesnt help the way I feel right now......I really cant belive we are moving 2morrow!!! I will haft 2 say bye 2 all of my italian friends 2day :( :( :( :( :( :( I hate good-byes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( my friends should be coming over soon......I know there planning something for 2day cuz they`ve made it pretty obvious....hehe......fist off they were talcking about something the other day and I said what? and they were like "oh nothing!" and carmen smiled at me, than I heard carmen wispering to Giuditta "so when should I give it 2 her? the last day?" and than just now I called Sara and she was like "yeah were going 2 come over but first me and Giudy are meeting at Laura and Carmen's house, than we will all come over," and sara lives right next 2 my house so there would be no reason for her to go all the way to there house, hope that whatever the surprise is it cheeres me up a bit!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

mood: relieved!

all is good! :) we talcked and she said she was sorry but she would act that way cuz she didnt want 2 think about me leaving cuz she felt so bad about it.

wish I didnt feel this way....

mood: worried!

ok, so there is this friend of mine,right?, and she has been acting really weird whenever we talck about me leaving she gets this "I dont care" tone and acts like she doesnt care or anything......and the weirdest thing is that she was the one who seemed saddest about the fact I was leaving in the first place.....:-/ I mean I know she DOES care I`m leaving and stuff but I dont understand y she acts that way now,and its not only that she even kinda ignores me when its all of us 2ghether.........its weird........anyway,I rote her an e-mail telling her how I felt about all this but I know how she gets she probably will start saying "this is so stupid! and not true! I cant believe u think that" and stuff like I`m hoping she wont act like that and understand how I feel....I mean it might be just an impression of mine anyways cuz I`m really sad about leaving and stuff....I dunno!!!!!! I just hope she doesnt act the way I think she will!!!!! oh well....if she does I`ll just tell her "never-mind it was just and impression then..." but I think it was good I told her how I felt even if maibe she ends up thinking I worry 2much.......

Sunday, September 23, 2007

hanging out with my buddyes :)

mood: ok

last night I went out with some of my friends, we walcked around salo` and found a guy a friend of mine likes and asked him if he will go out with her....hehe....cuz she has been bugging us about asking him for a loooooong time, so he said yes, hehe, yey! she will have her first boy-friend (maibe) :) :) :) I cant wait 2 tell her, hehe!

anyway, than me and Sara (one of my friends I was out with) went 2 sleep over at my other friends house,Giuditta,and we watched a movie.......that sucked cuz it made no sense at all! hehe! but oh well, than me and Sara had 2 sleep on the same bed....:-/ it was very uncomfortable!!!!!!! and she kept stealing the blanket from me and pushed me off once....:-/ hehehehe! anyway, it was fun, than in these days I`m going 2 go for dinner at all my best friends house! so that will be cool! :) :) :) I just wish that when I`m with my friends I could enjoy myself more and stop thinking about how much I`m going 2 miss them!!!!!!!!!!! I hate feeling sad! :( :( :( :( :( oh well......u cant controll what ur feeling.......!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

draw on me! lol

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hey! hows it going yall? hehe!

I cant believe I`m moving in 8 days!!! sorry if its all I right about! I know it probably gets boring! (even tho hardly any1 is reading my blog....hehe) but its so hard for me....even the fact that I`m the only one of my family that isnt happy about kinda makes it harder.....not that I would want anyone of them 2 be un-happy......its just when I get there EVERYONE will be happy....sept for me......and I makes it a little harder.....anyway,I changed my hair again! hehe! now my bangs are blue and the rest is purple!!! :D :D :D its cool! I like it!!!!!! well, gotta go! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

mood: happy :)
yey! hehe, I`m here with my friends there sleeping over 2day! it will be fun! were all going 2 watch a movie (the exsorsim of emily rose, one of my friends picket the movie.....and the rest of my friends are scared about watching it lol.....exspeccially one of them,giuditta,u can c it from her face in the picture! hahahaha!) and eat pizza *yumm* :) :) :) its the last sleep over we will have tho :( :( :( :( :( so we got 2 make it really fun :) lol everyone is going 2 school 2morrow exsept 4 me mua-ha-ha :P but I`m gonna hafta get up with them at 6 (help hehe) ok,well gotta go my dad wants the computer! bye bye

Sunday, September 16, 2007

mood: sad

hey-lo everyone!!!!!!
2day I had 2 say good-bye 2 a friend of mine :( :( and I won't see her b4 I move cuz she lives pretty far!!!! I HATE saying good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( and I dont even know when next time I c her could be cuz she hardly ever travels!!!!!! than 2day I was in one of my best friend`s room (Carmen`s room) and I was looking at all the pictures of us and stuff and I started feeling really bad and started crying.....than she came in and soul me and hugged me and started I was crying even more!!!!! wow.....we cryed a lot......hehe....yeah....but I`m ok now....its just REALLY hard for me!!!!!! well I g2g going 2 watch a movie and eat!!!!!
bye byez!!!!!!!

I need a hug!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

mood: bored

SO exiting! nothing special is going on!!!! I`m just sister Whitney left 2day 2 go 2 the states for a year, and my parents went 2 bring her 2 the air-port and. Isaac (my little brother) is I`m alone at home.....and pretty bored!!!!!!!!! I called my friends but there all doing home-work....and said they would come as soon as there done but there not here yet :( :( :( so I`m just sitting here righting on my huh??? yeah....its not that fun when all ur friends have school and u dont.....not that I LIKE school!!!! no way!!!!!! but if my friends are going 2 school that makes them busy!!!!! :( so ur probably wondering y I`m not going 2 school: thats because I`m moving 2 portugal in 2 weeks! I`m not 2 happy about that tho.....I mean yeah: Portugal is REALLY cool!!!!! & I have so great friends there.....but still......I REALLY DONT want 2 leave all my friends here!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( anyway.....I just called one of my friends and she had fell asleep! lol!!! so she`s coming I`m going 2 go now......bu-byeeee!!!!